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media references
- HEK (House of Electronic Arts) Basel, Radical Gaming. Rene Bauer and Beat Suter, Hiding behind Game Immersion. In: Himmelsbach Sabine and Magrini, Boris (eds.). Radical Gaming. Publication accompanying the exhibition. Chrisoph Merian Verlag, Basel 2021, p.46-59. september 1, 2021. [english]
- Kunsttempel, Kassel Poesis. Sparachkunst/ Language Art. Friedrich Block. Katalog zur Ausstellung Poesis. Mit Don't touch me! und DadaOverload. august 29, 2019. [german]
- Hofer-Krucker Valderrama, Stefan und Rèmy Kaufmann. Neue Medien - neuer Unterricht?. Das Praxishandbuch. hep verlag: Bern 2019, S. 108 - 110 (zu Discrimination Pong).[german]
- Kunsttempel, Kassel Tupi, or not tupi. Friedrich Block. Zur Ausstellung Anthropophagischer Poesie. Mit DadaOverload [PNG]. march - april 13. 2018. [german]
- Centro Cultural Buenos Aires. Game on! El arte en juego. 5th edition, 2017.Gameon XP Catalog. AND-OR, DadaOverload 2016. pages 14 - 15, december 9-17, 2017. [archived Site] [spanish]
- KVB Boekwerk, Amsterdam Innovatie. Digitale literatuur. ebook: Digitale literatuur. Scan van innovatieprojecten. By Paulien Dresscher, Niels 't Hooft, Emma O'Hare. 45 pages. - Emma O'Hare. De computer als co-auteur. DadaOverload. [PDF] october 16./21., 2017. [dutch]
- Fiesto Cultural Center Sao Paolo. FILE Media Art, FILE 17. FILE. AND-OR, DadaOverload 2016. and-or page, july, august 2017. [Bubbling Universe Catalog] [english]
- Electronic Literature Festival and Conference, Porto 2017: Passos Manuel, Mosteiro de Sao Bento da Vitoria, ELO Conference Catalog 2017. Affiliations, Communities, Translations. Pages 575-579: Presentation of DadaOverload [PDF], july 18-22, 2017. [english]
- Suter, Beat and René Bauer. "Code und Wirkung." In: Bajohr, Hannes (hg.). Code und Konzept. Literatur und das Digitale. Berlin: Frohmann 2016. [german]
- Paidia. Zeitschrift für Computerspielforschung. Rene Bauer und Stefan Hofer-Krucker Valderrama. DiscriminationPong im Literaturunterricht - Wie ein Computerspiel das poetische Verstehen und die Auseinandersetzung mit Diskriminierung entscheidend befördern kann. 21. Dezember 2015. Beiträge Sonderausgabe Computerspiel Werte, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. [german]
- Beat Suter: Was wird Literatur? Wird (digitale) Literatur zu Spiel? Oder Spiel zu Literatur? In: Literaturhaus Graz. Festival "Was wird Literatur?" veröffentlicht am 9. November 2015. [german]
- Suter, Beat: "Lineages of German-language electronic literature: the Döhl Line." In: Bootz, Philippe et al. (eds.) Formules. Créations formelles et littératures à contraintes. No 18. Paris 2014, p. 105-118. [english]
- ZKM | Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie Karlsruhe. ZKM Katalog: ZKM_Gameplay. Start New Game. 2013. AND-OR, Laichenberg 2010. pages 34 - 35, june 21, 2013. [PDF] [german]
- CEICIO China Magazine. Pei Yan. Youxe ye sikao shi/ Games that think. pages 363 - 364, may 5, 2013. [PDF of printed article] [chinese]
- Shoppinghour Magazine. Auscultatio Gravitas Communitas. Issue 10. Feast of Listen. Spring 2013. The Audible City. Beat Suter, Rene Bauer, Mirjam Weder. pages 52 - 54 [PDF], april 29, 2013. [english]
- ELMCIP Anthology of European Electronic Literature. Edited by Maria Engberg, Talan Memmott and David Prater. Spring 2013. AndOrDada. A Work by Beat Suter and Rene Bauer. Description and Links to work and video., april 10, 2013. [english]
- PikselBacteria. PikselBacteria: Augmented Reality Display Bakterien. In Gameculture.ch. 13.06.2012. [german]
- SWR2. Lautpoesie im digitalen Zeitalter. (MP3 Audio File) Susanne Kaufmann. 02. Juni 2012, 14.05 h. [german]
- Stuttgarter Zeitung. Stresstest fürs nackte Alphabet. Von Georg Linsenmann. 30. Mai 2012. [german]
- Player1's GameBlog. Zürich, may 30, 2012. Pikselbacteria. [german]
- Gamelab Blog. Zürich, may 29, 2012. PikselBacteria (iPhone Augmented Reality Game). [german]
- gamescenes. art in the age of videogames. San Francisco. Matteo Bittanti. Art Game: and-or.ch's "Pikselbacteria" (2012). 05/28/2012. [english]
- Stuttgarter Zeitung. Datenströme in die Innenwelt. Interview mit Johannes Auer, von Stefan Kister. 23. Mai 2012. [german]
- Prosthetic Knowledge. Piksel Bacteria - AR game concept. May 21, 2012. [english]
- Indoorbillboards. Piksel Bacteria - AR game concept May, 21, 2012. [english] [not online anymore, 2019_08_05]
- Digital Tools. Blog about Game Design, Games and Computer Art, Cologne. Wisniowski, Martin. Piksel Bacteria - AR game concept 19.05.2012. [english]
- mcd. Musiques & Cultures Digitales. litteratures, scenes et medias a l'ere du numerique. machines d'ecritures. nr. 66. mars-avril-mai 2012. 10 regards sur la litterature numerique. searchsongs. page 36/27 [french/english]
- I love E-Poetry. One poem a day. Puerto Rico. Flores, Leonardo. "search sonata 181" by Johannes Auer and AND-OR. May, 13, 2012. [english/spanish]
- UCLA Game Art Festival, Los Angeles. DiscriminationPong DiscriminationPong an der UCLA in Los Angeles. In Gameculture.ch. 09.05.2012. [german]
- Filmwinter Stuttgart, Tetrismaschine. Einmal Tetris bitte, mit "real output and waste". In Gameculture.ch. 15.02.2012. [german]
- Sprache und Literatur. Schwerpunkt Literatur, Raum, Neue Medien. Suter, Beat. "Big Brother really is watching you!" Literatur in mobilen Datenräumen. In: Schäfer, Jürgen und Peter Gendolla (hg.). Sprache und Literatur. Nr. 108. 42. Jahrgang. 2011. 2. Halbjahr. Wilhelm Fink: Paderborn, S. 38 - 53. [german]
- konkret digital. Interview with Johannes Auer about Concrete Poetry and Net Literature. (2011). In: An International Perspective. Edited by Claus Clüver and Marina Corrêa. Interview by Dr. Martina Pfeiler, TU Dortmund. [english]
- Hessischer Rundfunk, hr-online.de, Frankfurt. Vom Octopus im Anzug und geklauten Unterhosen. 11.07.2011. [PDF] [german]
- Goethe Institut, Lissabon. Realidades Virtuais Reloaded. may 2 - jun 4, 2011. GameLab Blog, Spiel Computer Spiel! in Portugal, may 5, 2011. [portuguese, german]
- Gamescenes.org, San Francisco, Jansson, Mathias. Interview: "and-or" and the Swiss Game Art Scene. 24.02.2011. [english]
- GEE Magazin, Hamburg, Page 86. AND-OR's "Discrimination Pong". 20.02.2011. [german, not online anymore, 2019_08_05]
- GAME CULTURE, Pro Helvetia, Directory, Developers. AND-OR. Developer. 19.02.2011. [german]
- Gamescenes.org, San Francisco, Bittanti, Matteo. Art Game: AND-OR's "Discrimination Pong" (2010). 26.12.2010. [english]
- Gamelab Blog, Zürich, december 28, 2010. Discrimination Pong – Diskriminierung in einem Spiel erleben. [german]
- Gamelab Blog, Zürich, december 17, 2010. GAME ART/ Art Games: Tour d'Horizon durch die Kunstform des Spiels. Mit: Before the Satellite detects you, Laichenberg. [german]
- Gamescenes.org, San Francisco, Jansson, Mathias. ART GAME: AND-OR's "Laichenberg (defect3)" (2010). 23.09.2010. [english]
- Futurezone @ ORF.at: Vienna, Günter Hack, sept. 17, 2010, Nihilistischer Ego-Shooter aus der Schweiz [german]
- Gamelab Blog: Zürich, sept. 16, 2010, laichenberg – Schweizer Ego-Shooter mit einem Augenzwinkern [german]
- Player1's Game Blog: Zürich, sept. 13, 2010, Laichenberg [german]
- Stuttgarter Zeitung Märchenfiguren ersetzen Bösewichte 17.07. 2010 [PDF][german]
- Tagung Interaktion Fiktion - Simulation - Imitation. Wien. Auer, Johannes. Netzliteratur: Text, Algorithmus, Interaktion. (PDF) 24.10. 2009 [german]
- ORF (Radio) Independent Games boomen 14.06. 2009 [german, not online anymore, 2019_08_05]
- GDC, Independent Games Festival Mobile: Finalists and Winners 2009. AND-OR. Wardive. San Francisco, 23.-27.03.2009. [english]
- Pablo Grandìo / Daniel Escandell. Vandal Online: La Hora de los Juegos Independientes. AND-OR. Wardive. 20.03.2009. [spanish]
- Thébault, Pierrick. Amusement. Numéro 3: Outgaming. Renouveler l'expérience ludique. page 42 [PDF]. Décembre 2008. Wardive. 12.12.2008. [french]
- Dreher, Thomas. IASLonline NetArt: Tipp. Sammeltipp 2: Spiele im Stadtraum, Teil 4. 2008. Description and Analysis of Games in Urban Spaces. Wardive. 27.08.2008. [german]
- MODOJO. Highbrow Homebrew: Metro Wardrive. Interesting thoughts about the future. 27.02.2008. [english]
- Wireless-Watch.Community. Nintendo DS Game Responds to Nearby Hotspots. 29.12.2007. [english, not online anymore, 2019_08_06]
- Exibart.blog. metro-wardive 1.1o. 29.12.2007. [french, not online anymore, 2019_08_06]
- The Asian Power Hour. By Al Yang. Sniff_Jazzbox. 28.12.2007. [english, not online anymore, 2019_08_06]
- Destructoid. The Hardcore Gamers Community - where Game Reviews are not for sale. Homebrew DS game creates levels from nearby wifi points. 28.12.2007. [english]
- Wired Blog Network. Battle Nearby WiFI Hotspots In Wardriving Nintendo DS Game. 27.12.2007. [english]
- regarde. Metro-wardive : un jeu adaptatif. 19.12.2007. [french, not online anymore, 2019_08_06]
- PocketGamer.co.uk. Metro-Wardive turns wi-fi signals into DS game levels. Who says creativity is wavering? 19.12.2007. [english]
- OMG Nintendo. Interview: Homebrew DS Developers AND-OR. 18.12.2007. [PDF] [english]
- Radio Fritz. Podcast vom 15. Dezember 2007. 39:52 René Bauer zu Wardive auf dem Nintendo DS. 15.12.2007. [german, not online anymore, 2019_08_06]
- OMG Nintendo. Homebrew DS Games Turn Wireless Signals into Game Levels, Sounds. 11.12.2007. [english, not online anymore, 2019_08_06]
- DSPOWER.es. Metro-Wardive. 11.12.2007. [spanish, not online anymore, 2019_08_06]
- YY Joy. Metro-Wardive. 11.12.2007. [japanese, not online anymore, 2019_08_06]
- QJ.net. metro wardrive 1.01 - wlan-based wargame for DS. 08.12.2007. [english, not online anymore, 2019_08_06]
- Slashdot. Using Wireless Signals in Games. 08.12.2007. [english]
- Futurezone, ORF. Gunter Hack. Die spielbare Stadt. 08.12.2007. [german]
- Kunstforum International. Margarete Jahrmann: "Ich spiele Leben: Real Player in Real Games." [on and-or's work Un(i)reality] 13.03.2005. [german] //-- > See: Buchhart, Dieter und Fuchs Matthias (Hrsg.). Kunst und Spiel II. Kunstforum International Band 178. Ko¨ln 2005, S. 86-94.
- P0ES1S, Digitale Poesie. Friedrich W. Block. Ausstellungsführer P0ES1S. Kulturforum Berlin. Mit: The Famous Sounds of the Absolute Wreaders. Also available in print, by literaturWERKstatt Berlin, S. 010011 und 010100. 13.02.2004. [german, english]
- Sabine Breitsameter. Audiolink des Monats: The Famous Sound of Absolute Wreaders. [SWR2 Audiohyperspace, 02/2004]
- Dichtung Digital. Beat Suter and The Absolute Wreaders. The Making of "The Famous Sound of Absolute Wreaders", january 20, 2004. [english]
- Dichtung Digital. Beat Suter. "Unreality": Raum als Subtraktion von Welt. Spiele zwischen Realität und Möglichkeit. 08.03.2002. [german]