::this.DISCRIMINATION PONG.documentation
DISCRIMINATION PONG (defect5) {2010}
discrimination pong (flash/win/mac/iphone/ipad)> special exhibition-version for win/mac (without quit-esc) > a version for a more "original"-gamefeeling (powermate-controller from griffin) hardware: win/mac (unity game) Concept
start up
dark and darker on the 'not-so-dark-paddle'-side
different discrimination mechanics
long distance concept
![]() "Pong-Paddle-Version" - Griffin PowerMate Version A more pong-like-version with paddles. Here we used the PowerMate-Controllers from Griffin.![]() Download Driver and configurator here: http://www.griffintechnology.com/support/powermate (win/mac) > configuration is quite simple: 1. copy first setting and deactivate second paddle for configuration of paddle a 2. deactivate first paddle for configuration of paddle b ![]() 3. configure the keys for a/w and up/down and pushbutton ![]() 4. download this special version (it is faster than the original) here (win/mac) >
Events Zürich 2014: gameZfestival, gameZfestival 2.0, 1st vs. Multiplayer,, september 19-21. London 2012: House of Switzerland, Swiss Games Lounge for the Olympics 2012, july 23 - august 12. Los Angeles 2012: UCLA Hammer Museum, UCLA Game Art Festival, may 9-10. Kassel 2011: Museum Fridericianum, Spielsalon - Festival der Autorenspiele, july 13-17. Lisbon 2011: Goetheinstitut, Realidades Virtuais Reloaded - Game Art/ Art Games, may 3. Zürich 2010: Dock 18 (Rote Fabrik), GameArt/ ArtGames, december 17.