::this.DISCRIMINATION PONG.documentation
DISCRIMINATION PONG (defect5) {2010}
DISCRIMINATION PONG is an anti-discrimination Pong-game. The GameArt project features some serious defects. It visualizes discrimination/racism, makes it playable and very tangible. The player experiences discrimination/racism first-hand while trying to establish a win in this unfair variation of Pong. The 'not so white-paddle' is discriminated in several aspects: from its visuals and its movements to the overall gamemechanic of the game. It is very hard for the discriminated player to win a match. Discrimination is implemented in different ways: the 'not-so-white-paddle' gets darker and darker. The left paddle may be slower than the right one. The ball may accelerate on the left side of the playground and become too fast to catch in time. The white paddle on the right may receive an extra ball without deserving it. And maybe worst of all, the ball never touches the right wall or paddle but loops slowly back to the left and takes on a faster pace as soon as it reaches the left side of the playground again. A very unfair game indeed! Find out what types of discrimination/racism you have to expect in DISCRIMINATION PONG.

Virtual worlds and above all games should be a place for equal access. Suggesting a 'tabula-rasa-play', as this variation of Pong does in its subtext, amounts to a vision of a world in which all actants have the same chance. But today more and more gamedesigners are willing to implement unfair elements in their games like the option to buy game-relevant items with real currency for personal (in-game) gain.

hardware: win/mac (unity game)

flash online website & download: >


start up

dark and darker on the 'not-so-dark-paddle'-side

different discrimination mechanics

long distance concept

"Pong-Paddle-Version" - Griffin PowerMate Version

A more pong-like-version with paddles. Here we used the PowerMate-Controllers from Griffin.

Download Driver and configurator here: (win/mac) >
configuration is quite simple:

1. copy first setting and deactivate second paddle for configuration of paddle a
2. deactivate first paddle for configuration of paddle b

3. configure the keys for a/w and up/down and pushbutton

4. download this special version (it is faster than the original) here (win/mac) >



Zürich 2014: gameZfestival, gameZfestival 2.0, 1st vs. Multiplayer,, september 19-21.

London 2012: House of Switzerland, Swiss Games Lounge for the Olympics 2012, july 23 - august 12.

Los Angeles 2012: UCLA Hammer Museum, UCLA Game Art Festival, may 9-10.

Kassel 2011: Museum Fridericianum, Spielsalon - Festival der Autorenspiele, july 13-17.

Lisbon 2011: Goetheinstitut, Realidades Virtuais Reloaded - Game Art/ Art Games, may 3.

Zürich 2010: Dock 18 (Rote Fabrik), GameArt/ ArtGames, december 17.
