::this.pac-man's serfs.documentation
pac-man's serfs (german title: pac-mans leibeigene)

Pac-man's serfs is a pac-man game with a defect. The AIs have a problem with the game. The four ghosts have been fulfilling their stupid role for much too long. Their feet hurt from running in loops. They are angry. And they are hungry. They start talking to each other and complaining about their unsatisfying roles as robotic pursuers. The switch is particularly bad. All of a sudden, they are out of oxygen, turn blue and get chased down by this ridiculous dot-eating pizza monster.

What is this all about? Why are they supposed to run after you all the time? Why don't they have any control over their actvities and need to run in fixed patterns through a small maze? Why can't they leave the game? Why are they all just serfs for the player? Shouldn't they stop being subservient and walk out? Shouldn't they start a rebellion?

Hell, yes, they shuold! They start chasing you. But you, player, you know that you are the domineering character here. You are the slavedriver? You are the master! You can drive them back to do their regular patterns. Use your taser! Zap their brains! Do it right to divert them from you. Get those pesky NPCs (Nonplayer characters) under control again.

Why does society dismiss and subjugate technology like it did with nature? We invented digital slaves as AIs: these entertainment slaves are today's serfs for everybody. "Leibeigene" stands for serfs, it literally means, you own another person's body!

