::this.kunstradio : 1o : 1o : 1o.documentation
kunstrad1o : 1o : 1o : v1suelles rad1o: scrabble mit döhl |||| |||| ||||
Visual radio as multi-layer-scrabble with the author of the source text? The two wreaders use internet, search and code for visualizing Reinhard Döhl's texts which are based on works of five net artists.

The visual radio project is part of the cooperative work "The Famous Sound of Absolute Wreaders" curated by Johannes Auer for the Kunstradio show of the Ö1 (Austrian Broadcasting). It is a multi-layer-scrabble which uses internet, search and code for visualizing Reinhard Döhl's source texts. Words and sentences become the plaything of interpretation while as the original source-projects by five authors still shine through. How would you visualize the tango of colours which were translated into rhythmical words by a concrete poet? How would you visualize a log-book which secretely reads all visitors identifications?

Five scripts scrabble with Döhl's texts taking on the uniqueness of the intertext of Döhl's text and each work that served as a source code. Text and metatext get translated, transformed, visualized. A stage is a wardrobe, is a bed and breakfast on a farm in an undefined countryside with a slow exchange of text and image which leaves cracks everywhere. The chequered colour-tango gets transferred back into text which in itself turns into concrete pictorial text-units taking up the rhythm of the tango in, over and out of the screen. The piep-show has to be discovered click by click. An anarchic layout gets assembled and reveals its finer points. where is the show, what is shown? read text doesn't disappear out of our mind but gets blurred, picks up pace and distance in its up and down movement the further back it has been read. The log which is a record of a travel as a text goes on an other travel through the net and comes back as a refined sequence of pictures. And the hovering textual cyberclouds of Döhl's linguistic evalution and compilation can be dragged into the visualization machine which kindly looks for appropriate pictorial translations in the net and transforms them into pictorial cyberclouds.

Five scripts scrabble with Reinhard Döhl's texts taking on the uniqueness of the intertext of Döhl's text and each work that served as a source code. Text and metatext get translated, transformed contextualized and visualized.
Vienna, Radio Ö1, Kunstradio – Radiokunst, September 7, 2003: Literatur ... im Netz ... im Radio – The Famous Sound of Absolute Wreaders; curated by Johannes Auer. Audio: The Famous Sound of Absolute Wreaders
First prize for digital literature, public vote in the 2003 competition of dtv and T-Online. Wettbewerb Literatur.digital 2003
Grant from the Kuratorium of the Canton of Argovia, Switzerland, December 2003